The Cared-For Life

Many of us have longed for a carefree life at one time or another. We become overwhelmed and stressed by too many commitments and just want a reprieve. Unfortunately, that isn’t the way life works. I don’t know a single adult who has been truly carefree. God doesn’t promise us a carefree life; instead, we are promised a “cared-for” life. In Matt 6, Jesus affirms that we have many needs including the basics of food and clothing. He tells us that those without faith are constantly striving to be able to care for themselves. The ones who trust in God don’t have to because, ‘Your heavenly Father knows that you need them.’ (Mt 6:32) Yet, we worry, we fret, and we fear not having what we need. 

Jesus’ advice is for us to observe nature. Go look around. The birds that fly around eat freely of the seeds and bugs that God provides. The flowers you see in the wild along the country highways don’t toil to produce their beauty. God has given them the beautiful, colorful clothing they wear. Take a deep breath. You are more valuable to God than the birds and the flowers. God has chosen you. He knows you by name. In fact, He knows every hair on your head. He knows what you need and will provide. You can rest assured that “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be dismayed; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) 

Our part? God will provide what you need so that you can do what He has called you to do in the world, “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” (Mt 6:33) God has big plans for you. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Eph 2:10) God has put people in our lives that need to know that God cares about them and wants to work in their lives. People who are feeling the guilt of their brokenness need to hear of the forgiveness and Holy Spirit that God will give them to live a new life. There are people all around us who need encouragement, prayer, forgiveness, Christian friends and a community where they can grow in their relationship with Christ. So, focus on the work God has for you to do so you can live the cared-for life. For it is in giving ourselves to God’s work that we receive true life in Him.

