'Good Ambition'

holy. ‘We are all trying to let our mind and heart go their own way – centered on money or pleasure or ambition – and hoping, in spite of this, to behave honestly and chastely and humbly.’ He believed that boredom gives birth to sin. Kind of ‘idle hands are the devil’s workshop’ type sentiment. Life in Christ requires a biblical vision of what that looks like, intention to live in Christ, the means to become like Christ, and disciplining oneself to do the means to live into the very image of Christ.

1.  Are you reading Scripture to find out what it means to live in Christ who lived in God’s will? Are you praying through what you read?

2.  Do you intend – really intend – to live for Christ by becoming like Christ?

3.  Do you know how to pursue that? Bible reading, praying, fasting, Christian conversations with friends or small group, retreats, etc. These are all great ways that work in concert to help us become more like Christ.

4.  Are you marking those things on your calendar and having the discipline to follow through?

 When you put these four things in a row and allow them to work in concert, you will grow in unbelievably profound ways as a person called to live in Christ’s presence now and forever. 

Eschewing boredom and working to live as Christ.
