'Resolutions that Count in 2022'

life: too much time spent on videos or hobbies, anger at someone, marital unfaithfulness in mind or actions, unforgiveness towards someone, resentment, etc.? Pray about it and commit to do what He is directing you to address. Here are a couple ways that will help you. They apply to strengthening the good as well as eliminating the bad.

1. Get motivated – What is the good vision that God is calling you to live into? How will it concretely, spiritually, emotionally change your life for the better? What will the accomplishment feel like?

2. Get a plan – What is one or two actions that you can do to start the change? What is it, when will you do it, how frequently will you do it? You might have to study yourself to figure that out.

3. Get encouragement – Who can you tell so that they will applaud every good thing you do and mile markers achieved?

4. Get a social plan – Who wants to change the same thing in their lives? How can you hold each other accountable – talking regularly, asking about actions you are taking, doing things together that help you both succeed.

5. Make reminders – What reminder do you need to see every day? Put it on your mirror or desk. How can you make it physically easier to do?

6. Reward yourself – What are mile markers that you can celebrate? Reward yourself for ticking with the action(s) weekly or monthly.

Let’s look at the example of reading the Bible more. Pray for God’s guidance on how to accomplish each part of the plan.

1. Motivation – I will know more scripture and get closer to God. I will have read through the New Testament in one year.

2. Plan – Get a 5X5X5 New Testament reading schedule from the Welcome Center at church. Set a time and place to do each day’s reading.

3. Encouragement – Ask if someone will do it with you so that you can encourage each other.

4. Social Plan – Text each other daily when you have accomplished the reading. Get together weekly to talk about what you learned.

5. Reminders – Put a Scripture verse on your mirror like “Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Put your Bible and schedule on the breakfast table so you see it first thing in the morning.

6. Reward yourself – Have a nice lunch with your friend every two weeks as a celebration.

Plug in whatever God wants to do in your life then do your part as He does his part.

Blessings in 2022,
