'Seeking God's Future'

as an independent church. Munholland is still Methodist, just not United Methodist. Did you know that Munholland is one of only two traditional Methodist churches in the whole of Metairie, New Orleans, and Kenner areas? There is tremendous need for what we have to offer – a traditional proclamation of forgiveness and restoration through Jesus Christ. Munholland is energized to be the Methodist alternative for the brokenhearted, confused, and lost in today’s culture. We are moving forward in faith with a new vision, purpose, and commitment. We are a community calling people to follow Jesus and discover a genuine, flourishing life that God intends for everyone.

Let me take a moment to acknowledge the difficulty of Munholland’s decision to leave the UMC. Many have experienced relief to be separated from the UMC. Unfortunately, others have left Munholland. We all have experienced loss and grief in some way. But that is not where Munholland remains. God wants us to join in the ministry that He is leading us into. I encourage those who have left to reconsider, to come worship for a month, and reengage. There is a place for you in this community that you have loved and that still loves you.

Many are asking “What’s next?” and, “Are we going to be part of another Methodist connection or stay independent?” The Church Council created a task force to research options for our future connection. It is composed of Mike Lepper, Prissy Emonet, Ellaine Wilson, Janet Dellacroce, Kitty Stulb, Ashley Dills, Louis Gilbert, Karla Schexnayder, Rob Worley, Steve Zansler, Sarah Kreutziger, Caroline Sanders, Mickey Spencer, Ann Gilbert, Phyllis Zansler, and Jonathan Beck. Feel free to talk with any of these about your thoughts and questions. 

A resource webpage has been created and contains a comparison chart of different denominations, a paper written by a member of First Methodist Shreveport, and a paper listing pros and cons of remaining independent. These are from another church and don’t represent a recommendation of our Church Council. However, the materials show options that the Task Force is researching. The Task Force will report to the Church Council on Thursday, July 13, at 5:30 PM. That will be followed by a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, July 30, at 9:40 AM. Later dates will be set up for congregational presentations and Q&A sessions. Finally, we will have a Church Conference vote to make the final decision as a congregation. Munholland has entered a time of prayer and research so we can make the best decision for our future.

Confident in Christ, we move forward in faith. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”(Jer 29:11-12) Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance. God is leading us into a wonderful future of expanding ministry - Connecting with God, Growing with each other, and Serving the world. 

In Christ,
