'What are you doing with your strength?'

beliefs and convictions. The use of our strength is telling. Jesus wants us to have an integrated life that includes ‘heart… soul… mind… and strength.’ Jesus doesn’t separate them out. He commands this to make sure we understand the totality of our commitment to love and follow Him. 

When men and women were first made, they were given a garden with a command to ‘subdue’, ‘rule over’, ‘order’, ‘steward’ it so it would be fruitful. Each one of us has been given our part of the garden to cultivate; friends, family, colleagues, neighbors and community. God’s command remains the same for you and me. How are we using our strength to bring harmony and fruitfulness? How are we ordering our relationships in our families? How are we using our strength to create a God-pleasing work environment for clients, vendors, colleagues, those you supervise, and those to whom, you are accountable? How are you using your strength in service and the care of neighbors and those in need?

How does your strength enact your love for God?

In Christ,
