As you approach the Sanctuary you will be joyfully greeted by our ushers. They will make sure you have a mask and provide one if necessary. Children 3 and older are also required to wear a mask. Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter so you can clean your hands. You will notice collection baskets at the entrances to the Sanctuary since we will not be passing the plate. Pews will be marked with blue tape to help you easily sit at an appropriate distance. For a different perspective, you can even sit in the choir loft! There won’t be any materials on the back of the pews, so bring your own Bible! Hymns will be projected as before. 

The service will be a hybrid of live and prerecorded sections. Most of the music will be prerecorded since multiple people are involved, thus reducing mutual exposure between our musicians. Our first Communion will be in August but we will not use a common cup or bread. The style will be different but the meaning and power will be the same. Unfortunately, we will not gather for coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall. I encourage you to catch up with friends before or after the service outside. Unfortunately, we will not be providing nursery or Pre-K at this time. We will get those important ministries back in place as soon as permissible. Finally, the Sanctuary will be sprayed, wiped, and sanitized after each service. You can find more details below and on the website. 

As a part of making our time together safe, we ask that those who exhibit symptoms of C-19 refrain from coming to worship and small groups. Those symptoms are listed below. We trust everyone to use your best judgement to make a responsible decision for our Munholland community.  

Sunday School Classes and small groups will follow a similar protocol. The keys are to 1) wear a mask, 2) sanitize hands at the entrance, and 3) sit 6 feet apart. Your group leader will lay out the room to fit your needs within the guidelines. Some groups will be excited to start back immediately on Sundays. Some groups may want to continue using Zoom for a while. Others may want to meet at a different day or time. Each group will make their own decisions and leaders will coordinate with the office to reserve their rooms. 

Finally, I want to encourage you to come back to worship in the Sanctuary as soon as you are comfortable doing so. The service will be streamed and available online at any time. However, we are all getting Zoom and computer fatigue because God designed us to be physically together in community. We were blessed to connect together online, but that isn’t a substitute for gathering face-to-face in our sacred space.  

Looking forward to worshipping with you soon,
