Forward in Faith Decision Making Process

Munholland and the UMC has a decision making process that we will follow as we consider the future of our affiliation with the UMC.  The process was set forth in the Book of Discipline Par. 2553 in 2019 by the General Conference of the UMC. Later, the Louisiana Annual Conference added terms.

Here is a quick overview of the process laid out in Par. 2553 and the Louisiana Annual Conference:

1. Munholland Church Council may decide to call for a Church Conference to vote to stay with or disaffiliate from the UMC. This takes a simple majority vote. Then Rev. Jan Curwick, the New Orleans’ District Superintendent, would be notified so she can set a date for the Church Conference vote.   

2. The process of discernment would continue with prayer, informational meetings, Q&A Groups, and other meetings in preparation of a prayerful and informed congregational vote.

3. The Church Conference would be held to vote on disaffiliation under Par 2553. A Church Conference is a special decision making body of all Professing Members of the congregation. The threshold to disaffiliate is a supermajority of two thirds (66%) of the Professing Members who are present and voting.

4. If the vote is for disaffiliation, the congregation must be current on apportionments and pay another two years apportionments before disaffiliating. It must also pay its pro rata share of unfunded pension liabilities and all fees for change of title, etc.

5. Once all legalities are settled and monies paid, the Louisiana Annual Conference would vote for the congregation to disaffiliate with their property and assets. The next Annual Conference will be held in June, 2023.

A Discernment Process Task Force is developing an info packet for everyone to get a better idea of what disaffiliation or staying in UMC might mean. If you have questions, you can call someone on the task force: Ellaine Wilson, Mike Lepper, Julie Cornette, Julie Lloyd, Mary Kay Beck, Ann Gilbert, Janet Davis, or Jonathan Beck.