Hope International (formerly Hope Services) is a multifaceted Foundation which ministers to the poor both spiritually and concretely. They support four major ministries: Healthcare, Micro-loans, Orphanages and the Incarcerated.

Hope International Foundation needs the following items: We have a container going to Cameroon and would like to fill it with these items to help them in their ministry. If you would like to make a financial contribution to off-set the cost of shipping the container, you may make your check to Munholland UMC and on the memo line write “Hope International”.

Place items on the stage - labeled- Hope International Cameroon.

Items due 8/21/22

1. Bedside chairs for clients and relatives

2. Comfortable folding chairs for clients or relatives staying with patients overnight

3. Office chairs

4. Curtains for separation of beds

5. *Bedsheets and pillowcases (twin size)

6. *Towels

7.*Medical scrubs/dresses/uniforms

8. *Lab coats

9. Patient gowns

10. Commodes

11. Wheelchairs

12. Disposable gloves, sizes medium & large

13. Thermometers

14. Life pack monitor with defibrillator

15. Vaseline gauze swabs

16. Vaseline gauze

17. Cotton wool

18. Iodine

19. Rubbing alcohol swabs

20. *Hand sanitizer

21. Antiseptic wipes and sprays (non-aerosol)

22. *Rolls of gauze

23. *Band-Aids (all sizes)

24. Betadine, yellow & red

25. Hydrogen peroxide 3%

26. Ask your local dentist for anything they would be willing to donate, especially instruments.

*Indicates that many of these items are needed