
Adult Sunday School Classes

Sunday School at Munholland is a great tradition at Munholland! You’ll definitely learn something there, but it’s about WAY more than learning! It’s a great opportunity to make friends, enjoy some coffee and fellowship, and talk about what God is doing in our lives. We hope you will come- all of these groups are open to guests and newcomers.

Sunday School (9:30am Sunday) For more information, click on the leaders name below to send an email.

Young Adults with Rev. Jonathan Beck

Friendship with Ronda Knox

Saint Andrews with Terri Purvis

Disciples with Caroline Sanders Suzann Pierce

Saints Alive with Robert Bagnetto

Bible Studies

If you would like to be connected with a group, contact Ronda Knox for available groups and studies!

All are welcome!


saints alive

9:30 - 10:30 am I RM 213
Leader: Robert Bagnetto For adults of all ages, married or single, with or without children, who meet for discussion and video-based lessons on Christian living and Bible study.


9:30 - 10:30 am I RM Fellowship Hall until move to RM. 200 Leader: Caroline Sanders Betsy White For adults over 40 with diverse personalities who place Christianity above religion. We offer a wide variety of curriculum with stimulating lessons that explore the Biblical message and how to apply it to daily life, as well as other seasonal studies.

st. andrews Class

9:40 I RM 111
Leader: Terri Purvis

For adults over 50 who are committed to discipleship to Jesus Christ through Bible study and ministry outside the classroom. Based on Bible studies for Life Curriculum, weekly sessions are led by a rotating group of class-member facilitators who encourage free exchange of views as the class wrestles with applying scripture to current life issues and social concerns.

Young adult sunday school

9:30 - 10:30 am I RM JUNIOR HIGH Leader: Rev. Jonathan Beck If you are 20-40 years old, you are invited to join this diverse young group to study topics ranging from how to have better relationships to deepening your faith. Topics discussed are practical in nature and will add value and meaning to your lives.



9:30 - 10:30 am I RM PARLOR
Leader: Ronda Knox

For senior adults; this is our longest standing class. We use the Methodism Adult Bible studies curriculum, and freely explore what God has to say to us each week!


Adult Education Director


Ronda Knox