'Connect, Grow, Serve, and Lead'
corporate worship. We all bring our baggage, frustrations, and distractions to Sunday worship. We can feel far from God because of sin, guilt, and shame. When we are with the body of Christ, the songs and prayers of the people buoy us up and carry us to the throne of God enabling us to hear God’s voice once again. It is a beautiful thing when the strength of the body can cover us in our weakness. Are your connections with God daily? Are you connecting with God weekly in worship? Munholland is committed to creating space for you to find intimacy with God through worship.
We are called to grow together in faith. Small group engagement is totally different from the worship experience. We are side by side focusing on God in worship. We are face to face in small groups. We learn together as we gather around God’s word. The Spirit works in our conversations bringing insight. Small groups provide three important things to our walk with the Lord. They help us learn together like we cannot by ourselves. They hold us accountable to practically live out our faith. And they create the space to be known and cared for in difficult times. Are you a part of a small group, Sunday School, or bible study? Munholland has many opportunities to grow together in small groups.
As followers of Christ, we are called to serve the world. Every member should be in ministry serving to build up the church and to reach out beyond the walls. Service has always been the hallmark of Christians since Jesus said that he did not come to be served but to serve. We expend our time, money, and energy in service. It demands something of us, both small and large sacrifices. In serving we become more like Christ and are a witness of God’s unconditional love. Have you found a place to serve in the church? Are you serving in local missions? Munholland will provide opportunities for you to serve. Be alert to opportunities to serve and jump in.
Finally, Christ followers lead people to Christ. Our responsibility is to tell people about God’s ability to forgive, heal, and guide people. We bring people close to the Lord so that they can hear His voice and follow. Jesus tells us to make disciples of all nations. That is a task too large for me, but I can tell those with whom I regularly interact about Jesus’s healing grace. The most powerful way to lead people to Christ is to pay attention to their struggles and pray with them right then and there, lifting their needs to God. Most people go through a year without a single person praying with them by name asking God to help them in a time of need. This is one of the most powerful ways to lead someone to Christ. The second most powerful is to bring them to worship with you where they, themselves, can enter into the body of believers drawing close to God. Are you paying attention to the hurting people around you? Are you willing to pray with (not later when you are by yourself) them to bring them to the feet of a loving God? Munholland wants to give you boldness in your witness.
You are here on earth to help people Connect, Grow, Serve, and Lead in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no greater purpose and joy than allowing God to work in and through you today.