'Heroes of the Faith'

Many heroes of the faith didn’t start out that way. Take Jacob. He was named ‘he grasps’ because he came out of the womb clutching his brother’s heel. Jacob always wanted more. He connived to get his brother to give him the birthright of the first born. He impersonated his brother and deceived his father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing of the firstborn. The deceiver had to flee for his life,

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'Eyes on the Prize'

I love All Saints Day – reading Hebrews 11 about the faithful who did great things for God and endured great things for God. It creates an opportunity to reflect on all the wonderful people who helped me become who I am as a person, as a Christian. I think of the big saints who changed world history – Abraham, Moses, Peter, John,

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'No Time for Timidity!'

When Elijah was about to be taken into heaven on a chariot of fire, he asked his apprentice, Elisha, what he could do for him before he departed. What would you have asked of the prophet? His blessing? A letter of recommendation? Elisha wasted no time in boldly requesting, “

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'Driven or Called?'

Gordan McDonald says that there are two different types of people, two different dispositions: Driven and Called. Those who are driven see the world through the lens of ownership. They own their positions. They own their position, they own their money, they own the people around them.

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I went through many experiences and experiments before I discovered my path with God. When I was in high school, I dreamed of being a medical missionary, flying a pontoon boat into the Amazon to bring the gospel to an unreached population. I started working toward a pilot’s license in high school, but was thwarted by my epilepsy.

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'Good Ambition'

Paul gave a very interesting and counterintuitive exhortation to the believers in Thessalonica saying, “make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.” (I Thess. 4:11)

Soren Kierkegard was a Danish theologian and philosopher of the mid-1800s. He was considered the first existential theologian. His emphasis was on our experience of God and required intentionality to become

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‘Why would a reasonable, rational, decent person say what that person is saying?’

Very little good comes out of our mouths when our emotions get hot and our adrenaline kicks in. Runaway emotions produce the worst results. When our emotions turn on our brains turn off. At that point we are not ‘in our right mind’. You know the feelings. We get hot, flush, blood pressure rises, we clench our teeth, make a fist, and/or anger emerges. When we sense that happening in ourselves, we need to stop and get our brains back in gear.

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‘Joyful Obedience'

We don’t typically put ‘joy’ and ‘obedience’ in the same sentence. We tend to think there is more fun to be had when breaking rules. We think of rules as a drag, a ‘kill-joy’. Scripture assures us that it is the other way around. We will only know joy and happiness when we obey the rules. “You make known to me the Path of Life, you will fill me with joy in your presence.” (Ps. 16:11).

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